Remedying the Challenges of Migrating Oracle/Postgres/SQL to MongoDB/NoSQL

Marios Trivyzas, Senior Core Engineer,

Tue. May 23, 2017 6:30pm
New York City
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Marios Trivyzas

Senior Core Engineer,

Remedying the Challenges of Migrating Oracle/Postgres/SQL to MongoDB/NoSQL

This is the dark and terrible tale of a migration from an relational SQL database, an RDBMS like Oracle or Postgres, to NoSQL with MongoDB. The battles were fought by those unwilling or unable to learn Mongo's query language. The trials we faced feeding Mongo back through a SQL data warehouse. The tears shed. The lives lost (well, virtual-lives lost, lol.)

In this session, we will look at how using a scalable SQL database with full text search would have solved all of the most-challenging aspects of SQL-to-NoSQL migration.

Marios Trivyzas

Senior Core Engineer,

Marios is the Senior Core Engineer for He from Corfu, an island at the north-west of Greece with similar crazy weather to Berlin, and he was based in Berlin since February 2013.

Marios has 15 years of experience working with C and Java focusing on low level Unix system programming and distributed systems. Since his academic years he has always been interested in data and has developed a specialty in databases, data stores and caching and helps CrateDB simplify and streamline working with machine data.

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