Renormalize: When SQL Meets Documents

Ori Herrnstadt, Founder and CTO of Akiban

Wed. Jan. 18, 2012 6:30pm
New York City
Kindle Fire raffle

Ori Herrnstadt

Founder and CTO of Akiban

Renormalize: When SQL Meets Documents

People are saying NoSQL is the only option to get decent document access, but in reality SQL can do documents too! We have developed open source technology that makes SQL so powerful that it merges with documents and easily turns any complex query execution from arduous to simple. In this presentation Ori will use multiple real client use-cases to explain the basis for the approach as well as implementation considerations.

Ori Herrnstadt is the founder and CTO of Akiban. He has been involved in developing large scale operational database systems since his days in the Israeli Military. After experiencing similar problems of large-scale operational systems in healthcare, ERP, CRM and modern web applications, he began developing the Orthogonal Architecture. In 2009, he founded Akiban Technologies to accelerate the development of this technology.

Swag, Swag & Swag and Kindle Fire RAFFLE

Ori Herrnstadt

Founder and CTO of Akiban

Ori will stick around after the talk to give out swag and speak more in depth about the presentation with anybody that wants to.

There will also be a raffle for a Kindle Fire given away!

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